Ideas to bridge a staircase in your layout

If your layout is in the top room of your house, you may have a staircase that interferes with the layout and you may want to bridge the staircase in some way. ChipEnglish has asked for suggestions in his post “My FLMN (and Roco and PIKO) Layout Update” to do just that as shown.

The tray rests on the banisters and would have to be shaped to fit the chosen scenery, i.e. deeper for a gorge, shallower for a wide river, and flat for a hill or mountain. Here just some ideas for scenery. It would have to blend in with the adjacent layout scenery on both sides of the staircase, of course.

Other possibilities are a hill or small mountain with tunnels through it. Possibly an easier fit with adjacent scenery.

Anyone with other ideas, feel free to add to this post.


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